Celebrate Recovery Adults
No matter what issues you’re facing—addiction, past trauma, relationship issues or any other hurt and pain, there’s a place for you at Celebrate Recovery. Adults will gather in large group for a time of worship and hear a recovery-centered teaching or personal testimony of a changed life. Large group is followed by open share groups (gender and issue specific) where every person is safe to share their struggles and victories with others who share similar hurts, hang-ups and habits. It’s a judgement free zone where all are invited to come as you are, not as you think you need to be.
After you’ve attended on Wednesdays for awhile, we encourage you to join a step study. These groups meet on a different night of the week for approximately one year and are a safe place to work through the Jesus-centered 12 Steps in a gender specific group. It has been said that “you go to a meeting to feel better, but you work the steps to get better.” We consider step studies to be a “heart to heart” experience where the “why” behind addictions and behavior can finally be uncovered and freedom can be found. Upcoming step studies are announced in large group or click here to be notified when a group opens up.