Hope for everyone
and a home for anyone!
It's been said that a human being can live 40 days without food, three days without water, three minutes without air, but not one second without hope. Grace Church is about one simple reality... Hope for everyone and a home for anyone.
Love. No matter what.
In a world of dissension and division, we offer acceptance, tolerance, and transparency wrapped up in genuine love for everyone. At Grace Church you only need to come as you are and become a part of the beautiful tapestry God has woven together from every race, nation, socioeconomic status, gender and walk of life. We are all about grace, which God defines as getting something we don't deserve.
If you've ever wondered the answer to this question... "What on earth am I here for?" At Grace, we help you answer that question with God's five purposes.
Glorify God
Relate to Everyone
Act like Jesus
Care for Others
Express God's Love
Join us and discover the meaning of life and the extent of God's love. He demonstrated His love for us by sacrificing His one and only son, Jesus, who would conquer sin and death to offer every believer eternal hope and purpose.