David Mitchell

My Name is David Mitchell. I am 63 yrs. old and am happily married to my best friend L.J.

There are many reasons why I shouldn’t be a mentor. I have been divorced. I have gone bankrupt. I put all my eggs into one basket, and you’re supposed to diversify your investments. But there is one big reason why I think I qualify. And that is this: When things got really bad, I trusted God. He never let me down and I am here today as a testament to that real life fact.

By His grace, today I am debt free, own my home outright and am saving for retirement. I did not do this on my own. I had my own mentors. A brother who cared for me even when I didn’t care for myself. A wife who understands my weaknesses and holds me accountable in love. A mother who set an example that is being passed to the next generations through me. Yes, I know how to handle money. I’ve been the purchasing manager for a lumberyard overseeing $20 million a year in acquisitions for the past 25 years.  Yes, I have been successful in business. I recently sold my shares in a small business and will use those funds to retire. But I know the key to real success: Give it to God. Give it all to him. And then let him give back to you what he knows you can handle. I can show you how that works, if you’d like.