Jayme Gaines

I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and I have always had an affinity for money management. While I have only recently discovered the Dave Ramsey approach to money management, I immediately saw its value. I took the Coaching program they offer so that I would have more ability to coach/assist others in their financial journey. I am a penny pincher, always looking for ways to save more money. With God's blessings in my life, while I have been extremely poor at times, I have never been homeless or hungry. I have discovered that no matter how hard you save money if you don't know how to budget and/or manage your money you can still end up broke or poor. I love helping people build budgets and teaching them how to manage their finances so they don't have to struggle either. I thank God every day for the opportunity to help as a money mentor and for many more church programs.

I have been a bookkeeper for about 30 years, 23 for our small business, and a Dave Ramsey financial coach for over 1 year. I grew up poor, have been in a bad financial situation after losing my job in 2008, and am thankful that, with God's help, we are now in a much better financial place. While I realize, at 68 years old, I will probably never be wealthy I know that I have financial peace to carry us through this portion of our life. I have helped my 21 year old grandson learn to manage his money and serve the Lord, which is the best reward for a grandparent. My daughter recently surprised me by signing up for the Dave Ramsey course as well. Now I know that my family will continue to grow and prosper both financially and through God's grace. I want to share this hope and blessing with others so that they may prosper both financially and spiritually. Thank you for allowing me to be your money mentor and with God's grace we can succeed together.